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VA Healthcare 2019 - Current Attendee List

VA Healthcare 2019 - Current Attendee List

Take a look at the industry professionals that are already signed up to attend this year - don’t miss your opportunity to meet face-to-face with these decision-makers.

What to Expect in 2020: Mission Act Update & the Future of VA Patient Care

What to Expect in 2020: Mission Act Update & the Future of VA Patient Care

The VA Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks (MISSION) Act was passed with widespread bipartisan support by Congress and signed into law on June 6th, 2018. A key piece of this legislation is the Community Care Program, designed to give certain eligible veterans the ability to receive care from private, community-based primary or specialty care providers. The program also requires that the VA enter into contracts with private insurance networks to ensure that these veterans are getting the care they need. Per the official 2020 budget request, the program is funded for $8.9 Billion in 2020. This program revolutionizes the current face of VA healthcare and is part of a significant modernization effort - one that requires substantial work. In this article Mission Act Update & the Future of VA Patient Care we take a look at: The challenges & opportunities associated with the Community Care Program An overview of the key enabling solutions the VA is looking to leverage to support the program The future of CX at the VA - data, tools, technology, and engagement

The Department of Veterans Affairs' FY20 Budget At-A-Glance

The Department of Veterans Affairs' FY20 Budget At-A-Glance

There are few more important or more challenging undertakings than providing quality care to our nation’s most deserving citizens, veterans. The FY20 budget, the largest in U.S. history, reflects this dichotomy. Up 9.5% from 2019 and 32% from 2016, the $220.2 billion FY20 budget will be used to “ensure the nation’s Veterans receive high-quality health care and timely access to benefits and services” as well as support “the most significant transformation of VA since its inception,” according to VA documents.

To shed light on where exactly the $220.2 billion is going, we at VA Healthcare 2020 created this FY20 budget highlights infographic. DOWNLOAD to learn more about how the VA will use its 2020 funding to drive significant reforms, transform the patient experience, improve accountability and deliver better medical outcomes.

The Dept. of Veteran Affairs Top Business Transformation Priorities: Overview & Analysis

The Dept. of Veteran Affairs Top Business Transformation Priorities: Overview & Analysis

The Department of Veteran Affairs is entering the third year of an ambitious modernization plan that will transform the administration into a more efficient and patient-centered organization. As of 2018, the most recent year of available data, the VA is responsible for the care of 19.6 million veterans across the US, with 9.17 million actively enrolled in the VA healthcare system. The face value of the insurance policies supervised and administered by the VA totals a staggering $1.22 trillion. As you can see, the VA is a massive entity that’s responsible for the care of our nation’s bravest heroes. In order to provide the highest level of care possible, the department is making huge investments to modernize its operations. In this in-depth investment report, we look at the what, where and why the VA is looking to invest to support their business transformation efforts.

Download to get an inside look into:

  • Historical progress. What has already been achieved as well as the challenges that remain Current priorities.
  • The top financial and business transformation solutions the VA is looking to invest in
  • Future objectives: What's next for the VA when it comes to back-office transformation?
  • How these investments will help the VA achieve its key strategic objectives such as
    • Modernize Systems and Efficiently Focus Resources
    • Build Trust; Be Accountable & Transparent
    • Integrated Care & Support, and Excellent Customer Service
    • Easy Access, Greater Choices, and Clear Information to Make Informed Decisions
Past Attendee List

Past Attendee List

Click Download and take a peek at whole you will meet at VAHC18 or request a copy from max.miller@idga.org